Saturday, June 22, 2024

Bittersweet Love

 Bittersweet Love 

Through the maze of emotions, I pursue,

I might care for you if I get close to you.

I might frustate you if I fall for you.

I might wimp you if I wait for you.

But in love's embrace, uncertain and true,

I might lose you if I love you.

-Subiksha Vincent

Silent Longings

                                                          "Silent Longings"

Through the silent echoes of our paths

I refrain from holding you close

Nor do I seek to draw you back

I've no urge to make you the essence of my world 

Yet, what if our destinies intertwined?

I fear, if I let you in, you might flutter away, like a butterfly.

Let the silence convey the words which cannot be uttered

And may I be a quite presence in your world 

I'll love you until the end,

No matter what the future holds.

I don't ask for your love in return,

Only to cherish you from afar 

-Subiksha Vincent

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tears of Heart

I could feel the pain when I seems to be happy

I could never find the reality when I found myself behind my shadow

I pretended to be what I don't wanna be

I could never find a true love for me

I'm wrathful but unreasonable

I've never been such a way but I was

I'm alone and my eyes shed tears

Unpredictable, Uncountable, Unreleavable

My heart is broken and

I couldn't patch the pieces

It hurts me when I touch it

when I look into it

It reflects ME

It's Unbearable, Unbelievable, Unchangeable  MEMORIES 💔

Never about you but ............


You were the SUN in my sky but you burned me with your FIRE.

You were the MOON in my night but you hid behind the CLOUDS.

You were the STAR in my dreams but you faded in the DAWN.

Now I see that it was never about you.

It was about me!

Fading Amends


I'm sorry for the past

I'm tryin' to take the pieces I blast

you'd gone from me so far

I'm worn out and so I'm LOST

In Your Hands : A tale of STRENGTH and COMFORT


I'm not alone, cause I'm in your Hands

I'm not sad, cause I'm on your Shoulders

I'm not weak, cause you're holdin' me to make me Strong

Not because of who I'm

But because of who you're



There's still space between us

There's still lots of words hidden between us

There's still unrelievable pain between us

There's still unchangeable moments between us

You still doubt me without reason

You still mock me without lookin' into my eyes

You still love me without expertations

You still care for me in silence

I still need you

But I couldn't show off to you

You don't need me

But you still wait for me

We still need us

Yet we still are SUN and MOON 

Fluttering Love Dance


To hold your hands

My heart flutters like a butterfly

With the vibrancy of your love

Dancin' from where we start

Underneath the moonlit sky

Whispers of passion in the air

Our love, a melody beyond compare.

Bittersweet Love

  Bittersweet Love  Through the maze of emotions, I pursue, I might care for you if I get close to you. I might frustate you if I fall for y...